2022 Magnet® & Pathway to Excellence® Conference
Let's Talk About Your Nursing Excellence Journey!
Schedule time to meet with HealthLinx' Experts
Whether you’re on an Initial or Redesignation Journey for Magnet or Pathway, or simply considering your options, a quick, informative conversation with our team will help to understand the goals, process, and requirements needed for you to have a successful designation.
Select a time from the calendar on the right to schedule a consultation.
After scheduling, you will gain FREE access to download these resources:
- A Case Study detailing how a $1.5+ Million Benefit was produced from a Magnet Journey
- A comparison table to clearly break down the differences between Magnet and Pathway to Excellence
- A document detailing how HealthLinx is the leading Nursing Excellence consultant and will help guide your team to a successful designation
Schedule a Consultation and Get FREE Resources About...

$1.5+ Million in Financial Benefits from a Nursing Excellence Journey
See how a University Medical Center produced these results from a Magnet Journey by partnering with HealthLinx

Compare the Magnet & Pathway Journey's
This comparison table provides you with a clear breakdown for the differences between Magnet and Pathway to Excellence, helping you decide which Journey is right for your organization!

We Guarantee your Magnet Designation & Financial Benefit
When following our proven process - our years of experience and success eliminate stress over your designation status!

We have a 100% Success Rate with our Pathway to Excellence Clients
When following our proven process - know you're in the right hands to guide your designation!
Find us at Booth #1025
We're right in front of the Presentation Stage - you can't miss us!

Don't Want to Wait Until the Conference?
Fill out the form below and we'll get in touch to set up a call ASAP
Don't worry, you will still receive free access to the Case Study,
Comparison Chart, and HealthLinx Informational documents